Hello there, long time no see! Today I have something in the way of a recipe again. This time, we’re going to make a chocolate treat that’s quite famous in Germany, but I haven’t really seen them anywhere else. They’re called Choco Crossies and they’re seriously addictive. However, it’s brilliantly Continue Reading
Kitchen Things
Things that happen in the kitchen. It’s about things to eat. And how to make them.
Melting my freezer’s frozen heart easily – now it wants the sausages
Once every while, you think: Damn, didn’t I have more room in my freezer? If you’re like me and you COULD afford one of those huge motherlovin’ double-doored ‘murican freedom fridges with integrated ice cube dispenser, but just don’t have the room to put it, well, then you’re probably using Continue Reading
Hand Made Brine Eggs – Scrumptious Easter Feast Treat
During Easter holidays, my family would traditionally eat the so-called Soleier. Eier of course are eggs, sol comes from the middle high German word sul, meaning “salty water”. Or, if you want, brine in English. There are a few varieties to how those eggs are eaten. Throughout German pubs, in Continue Reading
Choco Banana Dessert
Did you just go to the number one supermarket in vegetables and fruit yesterday, and today your bananas already look like this and you don’t own a blender and/or ice cream to make banana smoothies? Does your life just suck in general and do you need something to comfort you? Continue Reading
The Sandwich Toaster
The Sandwich Toaster. In many a hungry situation it came to my aid and provided me with easy, but tasty snacks.